
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was terrific way to celebrate Virginia's birthday.
The movie reminded me of the depth of characters in the book, I remembered completely the emotion that was traversed by the story. I remembered that Harry and his friends were going through the terrible teenage phase, that they just discovered dating, and that Harry has his closest brush with death so far. I really enjoyed the beautiful Special Effects, and as always, the depictions of life as a wizard were quite thrilling. I loved watching Viktor Krum's entrance during the World Wizarding Tournament, and even Weeping Myrtle's dialogue with Harry was exciting. This movie was more international than most, and it was nice to see all these other cultures who could have wizards.
Although people said the Vilas were nowhere near as hot as they were to have been in the book, I felt that characters embodied by Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory were just as handsome/self-possessed as they were in the book. It was also nice to be reminded of what a good friendship had blossomed between Cedric and Harry. Although it was a bit sad, I still highly recommend this movie, particularly if you are a Harry Potter book fan, and movie fan. Go with friends, and also gossip about the nouveau wizard fashion!

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